Rob BradfordToday you get your chance to weigh in on Boston Herald baseball writer Rob Bradford.

Bradford has gone from the Lowell Sun to the Lawrence Eagle Tribune to the Boston Herald in the last few years. While at the ET, he started the Bradford on Baseball blog, which was very popular. After getting the job at the Herald, the ET kept the blog name, and had Bill Burt start blogging there. At the Herald, Bradford has been blogging on the Bradford Files, which is one of the media-owned sports blogs that I really like. Bradford has also been a regular on WEEI’s Big Show.

Bradford is the author of Chasing Steinbrenner and the soon to be released Deep Drive: A Long Journey to Finding the Champion Within – a book on Red Sox third baseman Mike Lowell.



20 thoughts on “Approval Ratings – Rob Bradford

  1. Disapprove…Would have gotten a thumbs-up if he spent more time on his blog, covering the game (aka doing his job) then sounding like an idiot on WEEI.


  2. Just another Gum-flapper, nothing more, nothing less…would rather hear the opinion of a potted plant


  3. Ugliest man on Boston Sports Television….if he stuck to print he’d get the approval. However, since he feels compelled to showcase his bad complexion, hideous haircuts, and overall foul looks…DISSAPROVE.


  4. I like Bradford’s blog, but he could learn from the way a veteran hardnosed reporter like Ron Borges handles his blog. Thats the way you do it.


  5. I like him. Didn’t realize he was on ‘EEI. That’s the kind of information you don’t get when you give up on it.


  6. really solid. approve. the 1 negative is that he has a hard on for scouts and sometimes goes overboard with info or opinions he gleans from them.

    I think he’s one of the favorite writers of true hardcore red sox fans as evidenced by his connections to Sons of Sam Horn and the Maple Street Press Red Sox Annual.


  7. Dick has a solid point…but Larry still dominates the weekends so I can’t approve. Besides, I love listening to the comedic stylings of LJ paired with, “Mike from Canton”, “Joey from the North End”, and the rest of the “great callahs” to the Mustard and Johnson show.


    1. lj sandwich is correct it is great to hear larry johnson go at it with the likes of joey of the northend. its great radio


  8. … with the popularity of HD, there should be a warning prior to his appearances on TV … a pock-faced, crooked tooth goon with a bad haircut … Excellent reporter who cares about his craft … Often provides useful info not found anywhere else … should be a mainstay for 30-40 years (in print).


  9. Unbelievable reporter and writer. Even better person. He doesn’t drink enough, but everyone has their weakness.


  10. Lot of guys commenting on a another guy’s looks. Not that there’s anything wrong with that…

    He’s good and thorough. Don’t listen to EEI so don’t know how he does but I like his writing.


  11. Rob is my hero…I can’t wait for him to step up to the mike. Oh and he skates his lane well


  12. Gets more inside stuff with different perspectives than virtually any other Sox beat writer going. More importantly, a classy, self-effacing guy who obviously checked his ego at the door (which is probably why he gets the respect of the players). Keep it up Rob!


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