Interest in the Celtics is at a season-high right now, with the team on the cusp of returning to the NBA finals for the second time in three seasons.

While no doubt you’re getting your coverage from a variety of sources, perhaps relying on the links provided here at BSMW, is there one place that you find yourself going back to again and again for Celtics coverage?

In the choices below, include the blog that that outlet might provide. For example, on you’ve got the columns from Paul Flannery and Jessica Camerato on, but also material on the Green Street Celtics blog.


7 thoughts on “BSMW Ratings Poll – Celtics Coverage

  1. Anyone who is a Celtics fan needs to do themselves a favor and start following CelticsBlog. During the season it's one of the few places to get intelligent analysis of the team.


  2. If I want a recap of the game without wondering what the motive of the writer is then I go to a neutral site, like the Washington Post. If something the local media calls "earth shattering" and it truly is then sites like the WaPo will let me know.

    I just don't trust Boston writers to give me the straight scoop. But I do most of my local reading from links provided at this site.


  3. Thanks Rick. Some of us didn't know about it. Only because life is busy. Thanks for the help.

    I answered WEEI because I listen to it and the Sports Hub after 2pm. Naturally, the flagship station of the Celtics would talk a lot of Celtics. In terms of depth of analysis, it's hit or miss. Cedric is an entertainer. Ordway stirs the pot (when he's not on vacation watching one of the nine games he's recorded last night.) Felgie and Mazz talked more Bruins – rightfully so given their station's relationship with the B's. Much better analysis by hosts and guests of their respective sport at The Sports Hub.

    Just my 2cents. I know it's not even worth that amount – it's just an opinion.


  4. Bruce – Although you include "Somewhere Else" what about "all of the above?" I find myself using Twitter as more of a destination page for blogs and articles and simply clicking on whatever draws my interest from there. I wonder how many others might be doing the same.


  5. Hey Bruce,

    Great site, what would we do without you? These media polls are always interesting, but you may have missed the essential culture of serious fans whose ship has come in. In glory days like this, many of us sample a LOT of media voices and surf in the coverage. It's one of the deliciously loopy features of being a fan that we're tracking down coverage far and wide of games we watched in their entirety AND caught several times on the highlight shows, AND maybe — if there is a gap as between games 3 and 4 — watched again in condensed form on the NBA channel. And we're grown ups, too! Yikes.

    It might be the perfect time to ask the late coming sports widows, flavor of the month trendies, and fairweather bandwagon dweebs the one place they go to prep for the office watercooler. For the serious fans, a more timely (and fun) survey might be to ask readers some of the new places and welcome "finds" they have discovered (or rediscovered) and have added during this run. Just a thought. You do a great job, stem to stern.


  6. Don’t use, especially after Chris Gasper anointed Jameer Nelson a top 5 PG after one good game.


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